Quick Outline

Quick Outline
Oiorpata, literally meaning man-killer. Thus were the ancient tribes of warrior women known. Fierce, fighting man-killers. A few of the tribes, though deadly on the battlefield did live peacefully with men as their helpmates. The women were the hunters and defenders of the society, and the men were held in high esteem as teachers and nurturers of the young. Amrita, a beautiful young Amazon warrior of the more peace-loving Thermyscrians, endures the loss of her mate Tuaok, to the sword of the treacherous Satianne of the murderous Oiorpata and the kidnapping of her three year old daughter, Atileene. After a tortuous sea journey chained as a slave where the ship literally breaks apart around her, Amrita forms an alliance with Taque, a teenage warrior of tremendous agility, Ndoni, a mature visionary Oiorpata Priestess and a wild She Wolf Amrita has befriended. These four, The Amazons, fight a deadly battle to free an oppressed village, overcome the treachery of Satianne and struggle to regain what they have lost.


About Me

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A retired actor, who writes directs and occasionally produces short films. Studied with the Oscar winning actor and coach, William Hickey at the famed HB Studios in New York. As a character actor, have about two hundred or so credits on stage, film and television. From selling American Express and Pepsi, to co-starring and starring roles in Repo Man, Sid and Nancy, Edward Scissorhands, White Oleander, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas., Ed Wood, Batman Returns, Hesher, Another 48 Hours and many more. Some television credits include guest-star roles on Star Trek (TNG), The Young and the Restless, Hill Street Blues The Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Sienfeld, Night Court, Murder She Wrote, Golden Girls. Have written, produced and/or directed numerous short films and music videos. With one feature film script optioned, have completed 3 others and continue writing and rewriting. BUT... always looking for work so if you have a job, call me.

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               The women with bows and javelins slowly come from behind
               their protective coverings and horseshoe outward from the
               center of the village.

               As the children are placed under cover some of the men take
               up arms alongside the fighting women.

               It is a difficult battle because the enemy stays hidden in
               the forest.

               Hesitation on the part of some of the villagers costs them
               their lives, or painful wounds as arrows and javelins
               continue to come flying in.

               Amrita throws her javelin.  From the sound we know it has
               found a mark.  She picks up her sword and shield and races to
               the right flank, dodging arrows all the way.

               Wolf races by her side.

                                   ANTIOPE (cont'd)
                         FLANKS! WHEN IN POSITION, DRIVE
                         THEM OUT TO US!

               Amrita and a dozen or so other women enter the forest on the
               right flank of the enemy.  In the distance we see Mikaleta
               and another group of village women doing the same on the left

               Amrita holds her sword with both hands over her head.  The
               sun glints on the blade and flashes across the village to the
               left flank.

               A returning flash.

               Instantly, with a horrific battle cry, the women charge the
               flanks of the enemy and drive them into the waiting arrows
               and javelins of the women at the center of the village.

               Amrita, as are others, is engaged in individual combat from
               time to time.

               Amrita cuts down one of the enemy and two more attack her.
               They back Amrita up against a hut.  She side-steps and pins
               one against the hut, but the other one is about to stab her
               in the back.

               Wolf attacks the back-stabber.  He grabs the sword hand and
               drags the warrior backwards into a fire-pit.

               Amrita dispatches the warrior she is battling then turns to
               acknowledge Wolf's help.

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               Mikaleta, overcomes the warrior she is fighting.

               The three of them, Amrita, Mikaleta and Wolf, almost single-
               handedly drive back the attacking warriors.

               The center of the village is quickly becoming a bloody

               The battle goes to the villagers as, what is left of the
               beaten enemy, retreat back to the forest.

               Amrita, Mikaleta, Wolf and the women of the village start to
               chase the enemy into the forest but are stopped by a command
               from Antiope.

                                   ANTIOPE (cont'd)
                         HOLD!  Leave them go.  They will
                         take this message back! 

               Reluctantly the village women stop their assault on the
               retreating enemy and return to their own casualties.

               With the adrenaline of battle still coursing through her,
               Amrita turns her attention to something else.

               Wolf leads the way as Amrita races through the village.

               One of the fallen enemy rises as if to throw a sword at the
               passing Wolf.  He stops momentarily to growl.  The warrior
               falls back. 

               As the warriors head dress falls away, WE SEE that just as
               the defenders of this village, the fallen warrior is also a

               Amrita comes to a tent outside of which a man, TUAOK is
               slumped with an arrow in his shoulder.  He is struggling to

               Amrita grabs him to hold him steady with one hand, while
               clawing at the flap of the tent with the other.

               Wolf meanwhile runs up and sniffs around the side of the hut
               under a pile of furs.

                         Tuaok!  Atileene!  Atileene!

                         She is safe.  She is in the

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                         I am fine.  I will live.  Look
                         after her. 

               Amrita's face shows grave concern for Tuaok, but something
               pulls deeper inside of her.  With reluctance she lowers Tuaok
               to a comfortable position then races off to the side of the

               Wolf has already pawed aside a pile of furs.  Amrita lifts a
               ground cover.

               Inside is ATILEENE, a gorgeous three year old girl. Amrita
               snatches her up and checks her out all over, as does Wolf.  

               With obvious relief she holds Atileene in her arms and
               returns to Tuaok.

                         Daddy... hurt..

                         Yes, I'll need your help.  Get some
                         poultices from inside, hurry. 

               Atileene dashes inside the tent as Amrita braces Tuaok for
               what will be coming.

                                   AMRITA (cont'd)
                         It is clear through.  That is
                         helpful.  I'll have to break off
                         one side and pull the shaft back

               She looks in Tuaok's eyes.  He nods grimly.

               Amrita grabs the arrowhead coming out of the back of Tuaok's
               shoulder and breaks it off.  She then grasps the shaft of the
               arrow in the front, puts her foot on Tuaok's chest and pulls. 
               The arrow comes out cleanly as Tuaok grimaces in pain. 

               While Amrita holds him and tries to ease the pain, Atileene
               comes out of the tent with the poultices.

                         Here, mama.

                         Put them here..
                             (She indicates the wound
                              on Tuaok's shoulder.)
                         Hold them tight now.. 

               Atileene presses the poultices, Amrita rips a strip from her
               own tunic and binds them to Tuaok's wounds. 

               Amrita looks at her daughter, then at her mate.  There is

               With wolf lying at their feet, this is the typical Amazon
               family portrait, after battle.

to be continued...

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