Quick Outline

Quick Outline
Oiorpata, literally meaning man-killer. Thus were the ancient tribes of warrior women known. Fierce, fighting man-killers. A few of the tribes, though deadly on the battlefield did live peacefully with men as their helpmates. The women were the hunters and defenders of the society, and the men were held in high esteem as teachers and nurturers of the young. Amrita, a beautiful young Amazon warrior of the more peace-loving Thermyscrians, endures the loss of her mate Tuaok, to the sword of the treacherous Satianne of the murderous Oiorpata and the kidnapping of her three year old daughter, Atileene. After a tortuous sea journey chained as a slave where the ship literally breaks apart around her, Amrita forms an alliance with Taque, a teenage warrior of tremendous agility, Ndoni, a mature visionary Oiorpata Priestess and a wild She Wolf Amrita has befriended. These four, The Amazons, fight a deadly battle to free an oppressed village, overcome the treachery of Satianne and struggle to regain what they have lost.


About Me

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A retired actor, who writes directs and occasionally produces short films. Studied with the Oscar winning actor and coach, William Hickey at the famed HB Studios in New York. As a character actor, have about two hundred or so credits on stage, film and television. From selling American Express and Pepsi, to co-starring and starring roles in Repo Man, Sid and Nancy, Edward Scissorhands, White Oleander, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas., Ed Wood, Batman Returns, Hesher, Another 48 Hours and many more. Some television credits include guest-star roles on Star Trek (TNG), The Young and the Restless, Hill Street Blues The Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Sienfeld, Night Court, Murder She Wrote, Golden Girls. Have written, produced and/or directed numerous short films and music videos. With one feature film script optioned, have completed 3 others and continue writing and rewriting. BUT... always looking for work so if you have a job, call me.

Pages 13 - 15

              Page 13
               Amrita is really warming to him now.

                         You are right.  The future cannot
                         be foretold, we must live it as it
                         comes. Besides, the present is a
                         much more agreeable thought.  But I
                         am concerned about your shoulder.

                         It is not my shoulder that should
                         concern you right now.

               Her eyes take on a passion that hadn't been there before.

               Her hands move beneath the furs as she snuggles closer to,

               She kisses him long and lovingly. Then she pulls back
               slightly and looks over her shoulder to another pile of furs
               on the far side of the hut.

                         Ohh, Atileene!  She will wake!

               Tuaok gently pulls her back to him.

                         No, she is with Mikaleta tonight.
                         Mikaleta was telling her stories of
                         the ancient warriors and Diana's
                         Sword. Atileene fell asleep in her
                         hut.  I asked for her to stay

                             (Indicating the furs)
                         Then who....

                         Wolf.  I don't think he'll mind.

               Tuaok rolls on top of Amrita as she relaxes back on the furs.
               He kisses her fervently, the passion surging within him.
               Amrita returns the kiss with a fire burning even hotter than
               his own.

               She gently forces Tuaok till his back is on the furs and she
               is astride him.

Page 14
                         Since Atileene came we have not had
                         much time to show our love for each
                         other.  Tonight is my turn for

               She leans down and kisses his mouth, his neck, his chest
               while riding him, gently at first.

               Their pleasure begins to overcome them both as we...

               ...PAN to Wolf. He burrows his head deeper into the pile of

                                                       DISSOLVE TO:


               Amrita, Mikaleta and other warriors of the village are on
               horseback, A young beautiful warrior, NEALON drives the death
               wagon as they travel across a picturesque forested stream.
               And although we don't realize it for the moment, the
               following scenes show Nealon using hand signals to
               communicate.  She is able to hear, but is mute.

               Wolf runs ahead as they cross a grassy flowing plain.

               Resting time near a wide lake.  They all bathe and play in
               the water, animals and warriors.

               After they bathe, the group has a moment of ritual for the
               wagon-load of dead enemy.

                             (Sprinkling lake water on
                              the wagon.)
                         Though enemy, you fought bravely.
                         We cleanse your spirits.  May your
                         tribe remember your life and
                         respect your death.

               The group bows their heads in respect.

                                                       DISSOLVE TO:


               The group sits their horses warily, ever watchful in the
               gloom of the forest.

               Amrita signals the group to a halt.  She dismounts and
               follows Wolf through a break in the forest.

Page 15
               Wolf and Amrita creep up to the edge of a small hill.

               Mikaleta silently joins them.

                             (Crawling next to Amrita)
                         What is it?

                         Something is strange.  There are no

                         Well, we are coming in peace!  Our
                         messenger must have arrived long

                         They would still post sentries. I
                         can sense someone watching... but
                         see no sign.

               Amrita motions that they should re-join the group.

               The horses are restless as, Amrita, Mikaleta and Wolf return.

                                   AMRITA (cont'd)
                         Nealon, we will tie our horses to
                         the back of the wagon.  Follow at a
                             (To the rest of the
                         We go the rest of the way on foot.

               She motions to Wolf who, crouching low leads them from the
               forest and down the other side of the small hill along a
               rocky path.

               The party is alert to danger as they scan the boulders and
               crevices they pass.

               Suddenly, Wolf stops and growls low.

               About a dozen female warriors leap from the surrounding
               heights and boulders. An all out battle rages.

               Amrita is battling two warriors at once.

               It is fierce and very quickly decisive, but not without a

               At her back, Wolf subdues and cows another warrior. With a
               snap of his jaws Wolf disarms the warrior and sends her
               running. Wolf stands at the ready as yet another warrior
               hurls a javelin at Amrita's back.
to be continued...

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