Quick Outline

Quick Outline
Oiorpata, literally meaning man-killer. Thus were the ancient tribes of warrior women known. Fierce, fighting man-killers. A few of the tribes, though deadly on the battlefield did live peacefully with men as their helpmates. The women were the hunters and defenders of the society, and the men were held in high esteem as teachers and nurturers of the young. Amrita, a beautiful young Amazon warrior of the more peace-loving Thermyscrians, endures the loss of her mate Tuaok, to the sword of the treacherous Satianne of the murderous Oiorpata and the kidnapping of her three year old daughter, Atileene. After a tortuous sea journey chained as a slave where the ship literally breaks apart around her, Amrita forms an alliance with Taque, a teenage warrior of tremendous agility, Ndoni, a mature visionary Oiorpata Priestess and a wild She Wolf Amrita has befriended. These four, The Amazons, fight a deadly battle to free an oppressed village, overcome the treachery of Satianne and struggle to regain what they have lost.


About Me

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A retired actor, who writes directs and occasionally produces short films. Studied with the Oscar winning actor and coach, William Hickey at the famed HB Studios in New York. As a character actor, have about two hundred or so credits on stage, film and television. From selling American Express and Pepsi, to co-starring and starring roles in Repo Man, Sid and Nancy, Edward Scissorhands, White Oleander, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas., Ed Wood, Batman Returns, Hesher, Another 48 Hours and many more. Some television credits include guest-star roles on Star Trek (TNG), The Young and the Restless, Hill Street Blues The Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Sienfeld, Night Court, Murder She Wrote, Golden Girls. Have written, produced and/or directed numerous short films and music videos. With one feature film script optioned, have completed 3 others and continue writing and rewriting. BUT... always looking for work so if you have a job, call me.

Page 16 - 21

Trying to publish this in chronological page order,  Difficult to do with a blog, bear with me please.
Page 16
               Wolf leaps and takes the spear deep in his chest.

               Amrita quickly routs the two she is fighting and turns to
               help Wolf.  It is too late.

               Ferociously, Amrita cuts down the
               javelin thrower. Amrita looks at Wolf, but with the rest of
               her group still fighting for their lives, Amrita must leave
               Wolf's side and help.

               Rendered almost helpless by the sheer force of Amrita's rage,
               the attacking warriors fall back quickly.

               Halting only momentarily by Wolf's side, Amrita signals to
               Nealon approaching with the wagon.

               The savage enemy are retreating even faster now. Amrita and
               her small band pursue them recklessly.

               They chase the fleeing warriors, right into the Oiorpata

               Instantly the camp is up in arms, the fleeing enemy sentries
               now turn facing Amrita and her warriors.

               The Thermiskyrians are surrounded by over a hundred Oiorpata
               warriors. Although enraged at the death of Wolf, and ready to
               fight to her own death, Amrita knows they would all be cut
               down in seconds.  With great difficulty she contains her rage
               and sorrow and calms herself.

               The situation is ludicrous.  Amrita's small party is
               surrounded by a hundred Amazon warriors, javelins and swords
               raised. Bloodied from the skirmish, Amrita says...

                                   AMRITA (cont'd)
                         ...we come in peace.

               Satianne comes forward.

                         Of course you do, now!
                             (To her warriors)
                         KILL THEM!

               Amrita's small party girds for battle, they will fight to the

               The enemy warriors close in.

               A voice is heard.

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               The advancing warriors stop.

               Pushing through between them comes, LaQuia and Ndoni.

                                   LAQUIA (cont'd)
                             (To her warriors)
                         Beware the perimeters! NOW!

               Instantly half the warriors surrounding Amrita's party turn
               to protect the outer edges of the village.

                                   LAQUIA (cont'd)
                         You, Amrita are not foolish enough
                         to attack our village with such a
                         small party.

               It is a tense moment as Amrita and her little band of
               Thermiskyrians stare down LaQuia and the rest of her

               Amrita motions to her group. They all lay down their arms.

                         As I said, we come in peace.  We
                         sent a messenger of truce to tell
                         you this.

                         We have received no such messenger.

                             (With a wicked smile on
                              her face.)
                         Perhaps your messenger met with an
                         unfortunate accident in the forest.

               Amrita glares directly at Satianne although talking to

                         We have brought your dead from the
                         attack on our village. Laquia
                         exchanges a look with Satianne.

                         You lie!  We have ordered no such
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               Amrita raises her arm with a "come forward" motion.

               Nealon appears from the tree-line with the wagon of the dead.

               All stare as the wagon lumbers into the village.

               WE SEE  the body of Wolf lying on the seat beside Nealon.

               When the wagon with the dead stops in the center of the
               village, Amrita lifts the coverings revealing the bodies.

                         I believe, Argonue is of the
                         Oiorpata.  And Shelaina, Massalou
                         and  others, all of the Oiorpata.
                         Though it is puzzling that this is
                         not the dress of the Oiorpata

               LaQuia stares at the bodies on the wagon, then turns to
               Satianne and Ndoni.

               Ndoni is perplexed.

               Satianne just sneers.

                         Rogues.  They left the tribe moons
                         ago.  Rather then hunt them down we
                         decided to let them fend of their
                         own devices.
                             (To Laquia.)
                         We didn't wish to trouble you.

               LaQuia knows instantly Satianne is lying but is uncertain
               whether or not Amrita will buy it.

                         Then a ceremonial burial is not
                         justified.  Haul them back to the
                         forest for the animals.

               She motions to have the wagon taken away.

               An Oiorpata warrior jumps to the seat of the wagon, replacing
               Nealon who joins the rest of the Thermiskyrians.

                         Wait!  There is one body that
                         should be honored with a burial.
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               Amrita lifts  Wolf's body from the wagon and holds him in her

               Her face is unable to hide her grief.

               Satianne has an almost childish gleam in her eyes.

                         Ah, your wolf.

                         This was from our sentries?

                         Yes, if our messenger had gotten
                             (She looks directly at
                              Satianne again.)
                         ...this would not have happened.

                         I have seen this beast in battle.
                         He was legendary by your side. Take
                         him and give him the honors he
                             (She looks past Amrita.)
                         I see Mikaleta there, she can tell
                         us of this, "peace" you talk about.
                         In the meantime we will keep your

               LaQuia motions to some warriors. They pick up the
               Thermiskyrian's weapons.  She then nods to Ndoni, Satianne
               and other tribal leaders.

                                   LAQUIA (cont'd)

               She exits to her hut.  Mikaleta and all the Oiorpata leaders
               except Satianne follow her immediately.

                             (To Amrita.)
                         I thought the Thermiskyrians were
                         only lovers of men.

               Amrita is lost in her grief..

                         All manner of beast have our
                         respect.  Until they have proven
                         they do not deserve it.
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                         A lover of man, and beast?  How
                         very interesting.

               Amrita meets Satianne's bedeviling gaze.  The hatred between
               the two of them is palpable.  She turns and walks away with

               INT. LAQUIA'S HUT - DAY

               The elders and tribal leaders are gathered around.  Mikaleta
               is just finishing with the explanation of the plan as
               Satianne enters.

                         ...It simply requires the trust of
                         leaders from both tribes to bring
                         this peace. LaQuia stares hard at

                         Alright, Mikaleta, we will discuss
                         this among ourselves now.  You may

               Mikaleta exits. There is a long pause before LaQuia speaks.

                                   LAQUIA (cont'd)
                         Satianne!  What is this talk of
                         "rogue" warriors?  These women were
                         under your tutelage?

                         Yes, LaQuia, I was teaching them to
                         become the most savage warriors we
                         could produce.  Obviously they took
                         their training too far and struck
                         out on their own to practice what
                         they had learned.

               LaQuia obviously doesn't believe her, but lets it go for the

                         The Thermiskyrians have an
                         interesting peace proposal Laquia.
                         I feel there might be some
                         advantages to it.

               Satianne goes into her "smarmy" mode, oozing false charm.
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                         Well, we should certainly look at
                         the whole picture of a peace with
                         the Thermiskyrians.  What is the
                         positive side of this?

                         We have lost many warriors in past
                         battles with the Thermiskyrians.
                         The continuous threat of them takes
                         away from our hunting and foraging
                         further to the east.  The constant
                         alertness and patrols undermine the
                         morale of our people.  With a peace
                         we would be able to forge a common
                         front that would intimidate any
                         other enemy.

                         And the negative...?

                         I... don't see any... at this time.

                         No?  Is not answering to another
                         for what we wish to accomplish a
                         negative?  How about the
                         Gargareans, our male counterparts?
                         The seasonal rituals to produce
                         female children for our tribe might
                         be threatened.  The Thermiskyrians
                         were never friendly with the
                         Gargareans. Would the Gargareans
                         then become our enemies?  Our tribe
                         would very soon die out.

               The elders and tribal leaders ponder this.

                         You are right, Satianne.  We cannot
                         afford to alienate the Gargareans.
                         We need the male seed in our
                         seasonal ritual to expand our

                         So, we cannot afford this peace.

                         Yes! We can!  If the Gargareans are
                         part of the plan.
to be continued...

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